
Before using the hints, have you looked closely at all elements inside the envelope?
Click on the name of one of the puzzles to display the corresponding hints.

The YouTube address (the nail file)
Open the hints in order.
The nail file (hint 1)
What did you see on the nail file? Did you see similar marks anywhere else?
Did you have a close look at the matchbox?
What color are the letters handwritten on the matchbox?
Did you look closely at the measuring tape?
How are written the numbers at the very end of the measuring tape?
Look closely at Abaddon's letter: do any letters stand out?
Solution: inside the matchbox, you'll find the letters "BWV" in red. At the very end of the measuring tape, you will find the number 546 in blue. The killer's letter hides, in italics, the word "marina" (the 6 letters that match the 6 dashes at the bottom of the letter). Go to Youtube, type in: "BWV546MARINA" (no spaces)
The "fiery word" (the killer's letter)
Open the hints in order.
What is the alphabet for the blind? Google it if you need help.
What object in the envelope could the expression "fiery word" refer to?
What connection can you establish between the matches and the the inscription found underneath the box?
Did you sort out the matches in the order indicated by the diagram at the bottom of the matchbox?
Are you now able to decipher the colored dots on the matches thanks to the "alphabet for the blind?
On the matches, the colored dots are in braille language. The diagram gives you the order in which to sort out the matches and combine them. Once ordered and transcribed, they read: "PSALMI".
The music puzzle
Open the hints in order.
Did you go to the Youtube address shown on the nail file (see the nail file puzzle). Did you read the description underneath the video?
How long is the video? Isn't there another number in the envelope that corresponds to the number 60? What are the "silences"?
Did you match the silences with the "time" measured by the measuring tape? Which numbers can be read on the tape when the organ is silent?
On the measuring tape that "measures" the 60 seconds of the video, the pairs of numbers that correspond to the silences in Bach's music on Youtube are: 5-10 and 7-8.
The "secret word"
Open the hints in order.
Biblical pages (decoding)
At the end of "the fiery word" puzzle, what number did you find? What element can you link it with?
Did you go through the description of the Youtube video? (see "The music puzzle")? What link can you establish between the pairs of numbers found and the "PSALMI" text?
Did you notice that the lines were numbered?
You have to find "two sacred words" by counting the line and word indicated by the two pairs of numbers.
Did you connect the two sacred words? What word lies between them?
The name found in braille, « psalmi », refers to one of the five biblical excerpts found inside the envelope. The pairs of numbers found in the music puzzle (5-10 et 7-8) point to the words "Hierusalem" (line 5, 10th word) and "memento" (line 7, 8th word) in the sacred text "PSALMI". At the intersection of both words you can find the word "recordata".
Abaddon's seal (final puzzle)
Open the hints in order.
In the description of the Youtube video, what symbol is next to the word "key"? Can you see it somewhere else? Can you deduce what the key is?
The code (hint 1)
What is the message to decipher (see "The secret word")? Did you check that it has the same number of letters than the dashes at the end of the poem in the description of the video? Do you know who Vigenère was?
The code (hint 2)
Blaise de Vigenère invented in the XVIth century a coding system than codes a message thanks to a key. His table allows to link each letter of the coded message "recordata" to a decoded letter thanks to the key "jrhgzvziw". Explanation: "jrhgzvziw" starts with the letter J. On the J line, the coded letter "R" (first letter of "recordata") corresponds to the decoded letter "I".
Did you complete the web address given at the end of the poem thanks to the word deciphered using the Vigenère coding system?
The symbol "#" after the word "key" can also be found in the title of the video next to the word "jrhgzvziw#". Therefore the key you must use to decipher the message is "jrhgzvziw". Vigenère's code helps deciphering the word "recordata". The solution is: argyxgames.com/invisible, where you'll find Abaddon's seal.

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