
The bag of sweets
>Open the hints in order.
What's inside the bag? Did you taste it?

To what document are the sweets linked?
Cross out all the occurrences of the taste you've found. What letters do they reveal?
The tapestry with the mirror
>Open the hints in order.
In the tapestry, what does the symbol relate to?

Consequently, what does the reverse symbol relate to?

What letter can be found if you "add" the two elements you found?

The origami
>Open the hints in order.
The origami (hint 1)
Did you go to the web address indicated on the back? If you encounter some trouble with the URL, go here: Si vous avez un problème avec l'adresse, allez ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg_fKro9hUc
The origami (hint 2)
Now just fold the origami… What letter appears on the petals?
The origami (solution)
The music score
>Open the hints in order.
What does the title of the score mean?
Pay attention to the colors used in the title: where can they be found?

You just have to identify the proper music note in the video: to what letter from the lyrics does it correspond?
The music score (solution)
The tapestry of touch
>Open the hints in order.
Watch closely the tapestry: what object can you identify?
How can you associate the rosary with the illustration on the back of the tapestry?

What does the "Ave Maria 39" mean? To know how a rosary works, don't hesitate to search online. E.g.: https://www.dummies.com/religion/christianity/catholicism/how-to-pray-the-rosary/)

On the illustration, to what letter corresponds the bead of the rosary matching "Ave Maria 39"?
The "A mon seul désir" tapestry (sixth sense)
>Open the hints in order.
Luck is often considered as related with the sixth sense. Among the three icons on the back, which one is a lucky charm that corresponds to an animal on the tapestry?

Now you just have to follow the "rabbit path". What letter can you read?

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