If an in-game URL does not work, go to: www.argyxgames.com/URL without the www and the extension. For example, instead of www.abcd.com, go to: www.argyxgames.com/abcd
Open the hints in order.
On the Gazette, where can you find the pictogram?
Take a good look at the ad: what action does it invite?
On the ad p.6, what link can you make between the letters under the telephone and the dial?
By calling the number found (0033185737242), you get a code, to be entered online in the field "Reference of the audio archives": 4857839
Did you listen closely to the testimony of your ancestor? Are there not some strange noises?
Find the words on which the bell sounds fall.
Does the sentence "PLACE BUSINESS CARD LINE 12 ARTICLE AMAZING FEATS" allow you to find where the name of the ancestor is hidden?
Locate the article "Amazing Feats" in the Gazette, and put on it the business card of the Friends of the Universal Exhibition.

The name of your ancestor is
Open the hints in order. You need to have found the audio recording of your ancestor to solve this puzzle.
What information about his birthday does the ancestor's audio testimony give?
The audio testimony states that he started working for Gustave Eiffel 3 days after his 25th birthday. What other document gives information about the latter?
Notre-Dame's postcard dates from the day Gustave Eiffel hired your ancestor, on January 23. His birthday is therefore January 20. To find the year, another element is given in the postcard.
Your ancestor mentions the
Berlin conference. The Gazette article "Amazing Feats" (or an online search) will give the year: 1885.
Your ancestor's birth date is 20 JANUARY 1860 (1885 - 25).
Open the hints in order.
The flag pictogram is on the map of the Universal Exhibition. Did you read the extract from the ancestor's diary correctly?
Can't you use the miniature Eiffel Tower and the pen-lamp (or a mobile phone) to simulate the light projector?
Use the Gazette to find the building above which the balloon is floating.

Thanks to the legend of the map, have you located where the restaurant and the American pavilion are located in order to place both lighthouses?

The shadow cast on the map leads to the building of SERBIA. It is the country of birth of the ancestor.
Open the hints in order.
Have you located the 3 documents that include the pictogram

In the Gazette, how to use the article about the Morse code?
Follow the direction of the hand...
Haven't you spotted 2 specific moments in the video, marked by a light flash?
What element to associate with the black & white poster of the Eiffel Tower?
By placing the perforated cardboard on each box of the poster, you can distinguish characters. Combine the poster with the Frères Lumière video (8" and 30") to find the 2 correct sets of 3 characters.
The characters are MIN and ZAO. enter the code MINZAO.
Open the hints in order.
Have you spotted the Gazette page where you can find the pictogram

Follow the instructions to solve the 2 games, starting with chess. Don't hesitate to look on the internet if you need to check the rules!
Did you use the 2 chess pieces (Rook and Knight) to solve the problem?
The solution to win in 1 move is to place the Rook in D5.
You must now solve the crosswords located in column D and row 5. The answers can be found in the Gazette.
"Targeted by Perrin": the first article of the Gazette indicates that in May 1889, shortly before the opening of the World's Fair, Jean-Nicolas Perrin was the author of an attack on French President Sadi Carnot.
"Nicknamed the green man": this is Adolphe Alphand, the "father of green spaces" in Paris, according to the first article of the Gazette.

The password is:
Ouvrez les indices dans l'ordre.
On which documents can you find the picto

Take a good look at the details of the painting: what elements of the game can it be associated with?
On the painting, some letters from the Gazette are circled in red: it's up to you to do the same on the correct article, to find the 6 missing letters in the URL.

The URL is:
WWW.MELIESWEB.FR. Now locate the time discrepancy between the watch and the painting pendulum.

In the video, at 5 minutes, you will see your ancestor greet the camera. The website also indicates part of the number of his photo (430XXX). All you have to do is recognize him in the online portrait gallery and complete his number.
The number of your ancestor's picture is: 430997