Mystery Poster #1


Stars indicate the difficulty of each puzzle. We suggest you start with the easier ones!

Jules date of death***
Open the hints in order.
Date of death (hint 1)
On the family tree, the date to be found appears in purple. Are there other elements in purple on the poster?
Date of death (hint 2)
You have located the dice and the elements of the notebook. Can you combine them?
Date of death (indice 3)
The old man's head is that of Socrates, which refers to the painting (David's painting, titled "The Death of Socrates"). The latter literally points at the number to be found.
Date of death (hint 4)
The addition of the numerical value, obtained with the dice, of each letter of the Greek message in purple (ΠΑΤΑΩ ΤΟ ΧΩΜΑ) gives:32
Date of death (hint 5)
Socrates' index gives the number 53. 53 + 32 = 85
Date of death (solution)
Jules Daumier died at the age of 85, therefore in 2001.
The metro station**
Open the hints in order.
Identify the metro symbol on the Athens map.
Start from the KERAMEIKOS station, not far from the Acropolis. The 2 colored numbers give you the route.
Follow 1 station on the blue line, then 11 stations on the green line (northbound since there are not enough stations southbound).
You arrive at the IRAKLEIO station (also called IRAKLIO or HERAKLION).
The music producer****
Open the hints in order.
Watch the vinyl closely. The icon on the cover of the vinyl indicates that you should make a search on YouTube.
A YouTube search for Elena Beaufort and Golden Years or To Spiti results in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o6tUYUOBo8. Look closely at the description of the video.
The description of the video indicates the address of the record label's website: http://parthenonclassical.cf/. Let's now find the name of the composer of the piece 'To Spiti'.
The sheet music specifies that the name of the composer has 5 letters. By the way, did you spot the sound of bells in the YouTube video?
Follow the music in order to identify the 5 notes located between the 2 bell sounds: you can slow down the video on the Youtube options and listen to the small crackles of the vinyl which indicate the bar changes.
Once you've found the correct bar (14th), use the system of equivalence between notes and letters given at the top of the record company website (do = C, re = D, etc.).
The solution is do la si si mi. The composer is therefore called CABBE. Enter his name on the Parthenon Classical site to get the name of the producer, ABBOTT.
The camera model**
Open the hints in order.
The code is divided into 2 parts of 4 characters each. For the 1st part, observe the compass and deduce what is written in the east.
This is the international NATO alphabet in which A = alpha, B = bravo, C = Charlie, etc. The word corresponding to the letter E as is is ECHO.
For the second part of the model name, it is simply a logical sequence of which the 4th element must be found.
What alternates between 30 and 31?
The camera model (solution)
These are the first 2 letters of the months followed by the number of days: OC31 = October 31, NO30 = November 30, DE31 = December 31. The solution is therefore ECHO JA31.
The autobiography title****
Open the hints in order.
Have you located all the elements of the poster with a small shield?
There are 5 photo fragments: if you put them back in order, you will have enough to decipher the code of the books.
The order of the colors is: blue yellow green brown red. Look for this sequence in the books (not necessarily consecutive!)
The numbers associated with the 5 books are: 2 4 9 12 16.
There are as many letters in the title of the autobiography as there are books in the library. The letters 2, 4, 9, 12 and 16 allow to find the title: TEMPO.
The first name of the wife**
Open the hints in order.
The wife's identity card indicates a coded first name, BUJU. Can you compare it to another element of the poster of the same color?
The code Y = U and G = H is found on the page of a typewriter.
On a typewriter, like on a computer keyboard, U is located to the right of Y and H to the right of G.
The first name of Jules Daumier's wife is NIKI.
Angeliki's last name***
Open the hints in order.
Angeliki (hint 1)
The card signed by Angeliki contains a coded message.
Angeliki (hint 2)
XOXO with red crosses allows you to decode the message.
Angeliki (hint 3)
By taking every second letter, we obtain: ARGYXGAMES DOT COM SLASH NYX, i.e. a URL: www.argyxgames.com/nyx
Angeliki (hint 4)
The code is indicated on the notebook. Have you found what the heel shoe stands for?
Angeliki (hint 5)
On the picture, Angeliki presses her heel onto a sol (G) of the piano. Press the piano notes in the order of the symbols, replacing the heel with the helmet symbol.
Angeliki (solution)
The solution is displayed on the piano. Angeliki's last name is MAKRI.
The patronage*(*)
Open the hints in order.
The patronage (hint 1)
The little red icon suggests that you use Google Maps to find your way around.
The patronage (hint 2)
If in doubt, an Internet image search can help you confirm your answer.
The patronage (solution)
This is the BENAKI museum.
Your father*
Open the hints in order.
Your father (hint 1)
Observe the family tree to find who your father is.
Your father (solution)
The intro text tells you that you are Laura. Your father is CORENTIN.
The date of arrival in Athens***
Open the hints in order.
Have you spotted another place on the poster with the date XX/XX/XX of the plane ticket?
The date is found at the bottom left of the house card with the AIRMAIL stamp. You have to find the other elements of the poster in the same color and related to what is written just above.
The word TRIGONO is also found on the post-it and on the notebook. You have to combine the two.
Have you found how to draw on the grid of the post-it a triangle identical to the one in the notebook? You will get 3 pairs of coordinates.
The date of arrival in Athens is 22/07/91.
The poker game***
Open the hints in order.
Find the 5 playing cards that make up Jules' hand.
Try to understand the logic of calculating the points of "grabia", a variation of poker. Start by adding the value of the cards, with Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13.
To obtain the score of each player, it is necessary to add to the sum of the cards a bonus depending on the poker combination, starting from +10 points for 1 pair. Check the Internet for the order of the combinations if you do not know them.
The poker game (solution)
Jules has a sequence (6,7,8,9,10), he must add 40 points to the sum of the cards, i.e. 40 + 40 = 80 points.
The combination of the lock**
Open the hints in order.
Locate the 4 poster elements that appear in blue.
Each of the items attached with a blue pin has a small hidden number (you may need a magnifying glass!).
A central element of the poster gives the order of the numbers.
The characters in the vase each have a tattoo with a symbol recalling the 4 elements on which the numbers are located. The sequence is therefore: 9 6 3 4.
The location of the cemetery***
Open the hints in order.
Observe the grave. An inscription refers to another element of the poster, of the same color.
Decode the notebook message (TEXSPJGJH-TEWTHJH BPGPIWDC-OTEWNXGJB (RGTIP)) using -15.
It is a question of taking the 15th letter preceding each of the letters of the message, to read: EPIDAURUS-EPHESUS MARATHON-ZEPHYRIUM (CRETA)
Look at the map of ancient Greece titled "Graecia" and locate the 4 cities in the message.
The cemetery is located at the intersection of the 2 city pairs, south of Athens: SOUNION (note that all the names are in Latin and the U is therefore written V!)
The family friend (Kickstarter bonus)
Open the hints in order.
When did the Spanish flu occur? Use the family tree on the poster to understand who may have written the letter.
The woman is Marie Boutang, who died in 1918. How to access her account on the archives site?
Use Marie Boutang's married name. For the location of the hospital, the reference documents as well as Marie's letter will help you.
The document of the symptoms of the Spanish flu, associated with the symptoms indicated by Marie in her letter, allows to deduce 3 cities: Saint-Affrique, Angoulins and Annonay. Only Angoulins is located by the sea, which corresponds well to the wave noise described in the letter.
The nickname (hint 1)
The photo found in Marie's belongings gives the friend's first name. She leaves a clue to his last name in her letter (a Google search may be necessary!).
The nickname (hint 2)
Claude Debussy died on March 25, 1918, two days before the letter was written. The man's name is Francis Debussy.
The nickname (solution)
The nickname of the friend is written on his archive page: "Draven".
NB: once all the correct answers (green ticks) have been entered and validated, you should be redirected to a game conclusion page. If this is not the case, click here to access it directly.